James Clear
Vous avez du mal à changer vos habitudes ? Le problème ne vient pas de vous, mais des moyens que vous utilisez. Les mauvaises habitudes se répètent non pas parce que vous ne voulez pas changer, mais parce que vous utilisez des moyens incompatibles avec le changement.
Un rien peut tout changer vous propose une méthode efficace qui va bousculer vos habitudes ! Quels que soient vos objectifs, ce livre vous apporte les clés pour vous améliorer progressivement, grâce à de petits changements quotidiens. Il vous offre des stratégies pratiques vous permettant de parfaitement maîtriser d'infimes actions menant à des résultats concrets.
Créez de bonnes habitudes, abandonnez les mauvaises !
Expert mondial en matière de création d'habitudes, James Clear est réputé pour sa capacité à transformer des processus complexes en comportements simples facilement applicables à la vie quotidienne et au travail. Il s'appuie sur des concepts issus de la biologie, de la psychologie et des neurosciences pour vous aider à modifier vos agissements.
Emaillé d'histoires vraies, Un rien peut tout changer transforme radicalement votre vision du progrès et vous donne les techniques nécessaires pour changer enfin vos habitudes !
James Clear est un auteur et conférencier spécialiste des habitudes, de la prise de décision et de l'amélioration continue. Ses travaux sont régulièrement publiés dans le New York Times, Time et Entrepreneur ; il participe également à CBS This Morning.
The Habits Academy est la première plateforme de formation destinée aux particuliers et professionnels souhaitant développer de meilleures habitudes au quotidien. -
The instant New York Times bestseller Financial Times Book of the Month A revolutionary system to get 1 per cent better every day People think when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another way. He knows that real change comes from the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions - doing two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes early, or holding a single short phone call.
He calls them atomic habits.
In this ground-breaking book, Clears reveals exactly how these minuscule changes can grow into such life-altering outcomes. He uncovers a handful of simple life hacks (the forgotten art of Habit Stacking, the unexpected power of the Two Minute Rule, or the trick to entering the Goldilocks Zone), and delves into cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience to explain why they matter. Along the way, he tells inspiring stories of Olympic gold medalists, leading CEOs, and distinguished scientists who have used the science of tiny habits to stay productive, motivated, and happy.
These small changes will have a revolutionary effect on your career, your relationships, and your life.
________________________________ 'A supremely practical and useful book.' Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck 'James Clear has spent years honing the art and studying the science of habits. This engaging, hands-on book is the guide you need to break bad routines and make good ones.' Adam Grant, author of Originals 'Atomic Habits is a step-by-step manual for changing routines.' Books of the Month, Financial Times 'A special book that will change how you approach your day and live your life.' Ryan Holiday, author of The Obstacle is the Way
Atomic habits : an easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones
James Clear
- Random House Us
- 16 Octobre 2018
- 9780735211292
The instant New York Times bestseller . Over 1 million copies sold! Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving--every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you'll get a proven system that can take you to new heights. Clear is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work. Here, he draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. Along the way, readers will be inspired and entertained with true stories from Olympic gold medalists, award-winning artists, business leaders, life-saving physicians, and star comedians who have used the science of small habits to master their craft and vault to the top of their field. Learn how to: ;; ;;make time for new habits (even when life gets crazy); ;; ;;overcome a lack of motivation and willpower; ;; ;;design your environment to make success easier; ;; ;;get back on track when you fall off course; ...and much more. Atomic Habits will reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits--whether you are a team looking to win a championship, an organization hoping to redefine an industry, or simply an individual who wishes to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, or achieve any other goal.