Entreprise, économie & droit
Le Droit a son histoire. Écrivez la vôtre.
Avant le carnet, le Code Le Code est un pilier du patrimoine historique juridique français dont ce carnet est l'hommage. Millésimé avec l'année de la création du code, ce carnet à la réalisation soignée est enrichi d'une double-page de sa genèse, racontée par les rédactrices et rédacteurs de la célèbre maison d'édition Dalloz.
L'objet Ce Carnet d'exception est constitué de 240 pages "Ivoire" de 13 x 20,8 cm. Pensé pour une facilité d'usage optimale, chaque page est lignée et détachable. Doté d'une couverture cartonnée, ce carnet au dos rond est doté à la fois d'un élastique de 8 mm et d'un signet, rouges également.
Un savoir-faire français Ce carnet 100 % fabriqué en France a été conçu avec les équipes du Papier fait de la résistance et est imprimé en France, près de Lyon. -
Jim Heimann ; alcool et tabac dans la publicité au XXe siècle
- Taschen
- Jumbo
- 13 Février 2018
- 9783836566520
Vices ou vertus? La consommation d'alcool et de tabac procure aux annonceurs des produits qui se prêtent à une véritable orgie visuelle. Ce plantureux recueil de publicités explore les multiples représentations de ces pratiques, tantôt élégantes, tantôt décalées, et révèlent comment les fabricants ont encouragé le grand public à s'imbiber et s'asphyxier durant tout le XXe siècle.
Page après page défilent les tendances de chaque époque en matière d'alcool et de tabac, dans un festival de bons mots et de mascottes devenues des icônes, dont certains, comme le cow-boy Marlboro ou le chien Spuds MacKenzie, sont si étroitement liés à la culture populaire américaine qu'il leur suffisait d'apparaître dans une publicité pour promouvoir un produit invisible. D'autres annonceurs ont échafaudé des approches plus subtiles et sophistiquées pour vendre leur marchandise, une stratégie parfois très efficace, comme l'a démontré le succès phénoménal de la campagne Absolut. Même les médecins ont apporté leur contribution perverse à cette entreprise de propagande, en certifiant que fumer aidait à calmer les nerfs et à adoucir la gorge, et en vantant l'alcool comme un philtre de réussite sociale.
Que vous vous adonniez à ces plaisirs coupables par inhalation et déglutition ou que le plaisir des yeux vous suffise, vous ne manquerez pas d'être captivés par cette exploration d'un chapitre bien tassé, et souvent polémique, de l'histoire de la pub. -
The imaginative universe of Piero Fornasetti, an iconic figure of Italy's economic boom, and the creative continuity of his son Barnaba.
Piero Fornasetti started his business in the immediate postwar period, when in 1947-encouraged by Gio Ponti, who first sensed his talent-he presented ceramics at the eighth Milan Triennale. In the early 1950s, together with Ponti, he created the furnishings for the great Italian transatlantic liners, a fruitful collaboration that would give him great visibility. Piero Fornasetti quickly expanded production with furniture, furnishings and accessories, household objects, and fabrics, becoming an iconic designer in Italy as the country was reborn, rebuilt, and transformed after the war in the years of the economic boom. Some of Fornasetti's furniture-the trumeau, the desk, the chest of drawers-have fully entered the history of twentieth-century Italian design.
After Piero's death in 1988, his son Barnaba took the reins of the company, enhancing his father's incredible visual archive, relaunching the brand, and ferrying it toward international development of great prestige, with exhibitions and activities in museums around the world.
Fornasetti is a brand that is now known all over the world and is sought-after by international collectors. The imaginative universe that Fornasetti builds around its ironic objects and outside any conventions is unique and unparalleled.
This book, made in close collaboration with Barnaba Fornasetti, who has penned the foreword, traces the story of this exciting human and creative adventure. -
Le guide bilingue du manager ; 50 idées made in USA pour booster votre carrière
- Harvard Business Review
- 10 Octobre 2019
- 9782810428045
C'est parce que la Harvard Business Review est née aux USA, dans le Massachusetts, en 1922, que ce livre propose une sélection de 50 conseils novateurs venant directement des États-Unis. Tous ont un seul et même objectif : vous donnez les clés nécessaires pour devenir un manager hors pair. Véritable boîte à outils complète et inspirante, ce guide vous permettra d'avoir toujours sous la main les techniques et les astuces pour assurer un management efficace, donner un coup d'accélérateur à votre carrière et affirmer votre leadership. Grâce à son édition bilingue, vous saurez aussi mieux maîtriser le vocabulaire du business english et toutes ses spécificités ! Quel que soit votre secteur d'activité ou votre fonction, vous retirerez des enseignements précieux livrés par les plus grands penseurs, théoriciens ou praticiens de cette discipline. Fruits de longues recherches et d'une connaissance intime du monde des organisations, les textes présentés expriment les points de vue uniques de leurs auteurs et portent le gage de qualité de la Harvard Business Review. Chaque théorie propose hauteur de vue, mise en perspective, mais aussi mise en pratique des concepts étudiés pour guider la réflexion stratégique.
How to make money : An ancient guide to wealth management
- Princeton University Press
- 4 Juin 2024
- 9780691239125
An enriching collection of classical writings about how ancient Romans made--and thought about--money
Ancient Romans liked money. But how did they make a living and sometimes even become rich? The Roman economy was dominated by agriculture, but it was surprisingly modern in many ways: the Romans had companies with CEOs, shareholders, and detailed contracts regulated by meticulous laws; systems of banking and taxation; and a wide range of occupations, from merchant and doctor to architect and teacher. The Romans also enjoyed a relatively open society, where some could start from the bottom, work, invest, and grow rich. How to Make Money gathers a wide variety of ancient writings that show how Romans thought about, made, invested, spent, lost, and gave away money.
The Roman elite idealized farming and service to the state but treated many other occupations with suspicion or contempt, from money lending to wage labor. But whatever their attitudes, pecunia made the Roman world go round. In the Satyricon, Trimalchio brags about his wealth. Seneca accumulated a fortune--but taught that money can't buy happiness. Eumachia inherited a brick factory from her father, married well, and turned to philanthropy after she was widowed. How to Make Money also takes up some of the most troubling aspects of the Roman economy, slavery and prostitution, which the elite deemed unrespectable but often profited from.
Featuring lively new translations, an illuminating introduction, and the original Latin and Greek texts on facing pages, How to Make Money offers a revealing look at the Roman worlds of work and money. -
Pour la première fois le code civil français est traduit en langue arabe.
La 108e édition du Code civil des Éditions Dalloz est traduite avec les notes de la rédaction, les annotations de jurisprudence et de b ibliographies enrichis par un ensemble de compléments.
Une table d'analogie est annexée entre les articles du code civil français et ceux des textes équivalents de douze pays arabes : Algérie, Égypte, Émirats arabes unis, Iraq, Jordanie, Koweït, Liban, Libye, Maroc, Qatar, Syrie, Tunisie.
La communauté juridique et judiciaire et les milieux académiques arabophones, dans le monde arabe et ailleurs, peuvent ainsi plus largement croiser leur propre corpus législatif et leur jurisprudence à celle des articles du code civil français et de leur interprétation par les juridictions françaises notamment la Cour de cassation. Cette traduction s'inscrit dans le débat sur le renouvellement des sources du droit des obligations à la lumière du droit comparé et de la confrontation du code civil des Français à la mondialisation. Il participe du rayonnement de la culture juridique romaniste au-delà des frontières et pourrait participer de l'émergence d'un code civil dans l'un ou l'autre des pays arabes ou encore d'un code civil arabe. Le fruit d'un travail de huit ans, d'une cinquantaine d'universitaires, de magistrats et d'avocats, cette traduction a été réalisée sous l'égide du Centre d'études des droits du monde arabe (Cedroma) et de la Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques à l'Université Saint-Joseph à Beyrouth, en coédition avec Dalloz. Cedroma a pour vocation de favoriser une meilleure connaissance des droits des pays du monde arabe dans le cadre d'une approche juridique comparatiste, tout particulièrement en relation avec le droit français.
The copy book ; how some of the best advertising writers in the world write their advertising
- Taschen
- 10 Janvier 2018
- 9783836568524
In 1995, the D&AD published a book on the art of writing for advertising. Though now outdated, the best-selling book remains an important reference work today-a bible for creative directors. D&AD and TASCHEN have joined forces to bring you an updated and redesigned edition of the publication. Regarded as the most challenging field in advertising, copywriting is usually left to the most talented professionals-often agency leaders or owners themselves. The book features a work selection and essays by 53 leading professionals in the world, including copywriting superstars such as David Abbott, Lionel Hunt, Steve Hayden, Dan Wieden, Neil French, Mike Lescarbeau, Adrian Holmes, and Barbara Nokes.
The lessons to be learned on these pages will help you create clearer and more persuasive arguments, whether you are writing an inspiring speech, an engaging web banner or a persuasive letter. This is not simply a «must have» book for people in advertising and marketing, it is also a «should have» book for anyone who needs to involve or influence people, by webpage, on paper, or in person.
L'enseignement en immersion connaît un succès spectaculaire en Communauté française. Il règne cependant encore pas mal d'incertitude et tant les parents que les écoles se posent de nombreuses questions quant à ce type d'enseignement bilingue. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de l'enseignement en immersion? Les élèves en immersion accusent-ils un retard dans le développement de leur langue maternelle? L'immersion n'est-elle pas une forme élitiste d'enseignement? Quel est le rôle des parents dans le processus d'apprentissage;? Par ailleurs, les enseignants expriment un énorme besoin d'une didactique appropriée et de matériel spécifique pour les classes en immersion. Ils doivent cependant souvent se débrouiller seuls...
Les départements d'études néerlandaises de l'UCL et des Facultés Notre-Dame de la Paix à Namur ont voulu répondre à ces questionnements en organisant le 20 mars 2010 - en collaboration avec le Taaluniecentrum NVT (Bruxelles) - la journée d'études 'Met immersie aan de slag/Au travail, en immersion'.
Revue de droit Henri Capitant n.3-4 : the primacy of execution in kind ; la primauté de l'exécution en nature
- Lextenso
- Revue De Droit Henri Capitant
- 5 Février 2013
- 9782359710823
The Henri Capitant Association of friends of French legal culture, which this year celebrates its 75 years in existence, has developed various actions which all aim at the developement of the methods and values of continental or civil legal culture.
The Association organises several Congresses. To start with, the International Meetings, which have taken place since the founding of the Association, have led to regular publications amounting presently to more than 60 volumes. These Meetings, which take place every year and concentrate on a topic related to different branches of law (private or public law, national and international law), bring together specialists of law from more than 30 countries from all over Europe, America, Africa and Asia. In recent years, the Henri Capitant Association has also organised International Sessions on a smaller scale where two or more groups exchange points of view on current issues.
The Henri Capitant Association has concentrated on French Civil Law Reform which was initiated at the beginning of the twenty first century. In the same way, the Association has actively participated in the european group in charge of the Common Frame of Reference in order to build a new contractual european law.
With the creation of the Revue de Droit Henri Capitant or Henri Capitant Law Review, the Association is embarking upon a new adventure. The undertaking is ambitious because this Review will be drafted in two languages - in French and in English - and will be the object of a dualpublication, in digital format and in hard copy. But it is up to the challenge, which seems vital to meet: ensuring a better knowledge of the law of civil law countries, of their legislation, of their jurisprudence and of their doctrines, by supporting their dissemination throughout the world. In order to succeed in this undertaking, it would not be possible, in fact, to disregard either the English language or the digital media, which have become means of communication that are unavoidable. And although it is true that translation carries a risk of betrayal, and particularly so with regards to legal subject-matter, it is nonetheless a risk well worth taking. After all, certain civil law jurisdictions, such as Québec, state their laws in several languages.
Each issue of the Review, which will be published every six months, will address a single theme, selected for its interest from the standpoint of comparative law, and will bring together laws, judicial decisions and studies of yesteryear, as well as of today. All suggestions, wherever they may come from, will be welcomed.
Les cahiers de l'arbitrage n.4
- Lgdj
- Les Cahiers De L'arbitrage
- 25 Janvier 2011
- 9782275035956
Titre: Les cahiers de l'arbitrage N°4-2010 Theme1: Droit - Droit international et étranger - Droit international privé Theme2: Droit - Droit privé - Droit commercial - Autres ouvrages Résumé:
Cahiers d'économie politique n°.61 ; paper in political economy
- L'Harmattan
- 19 Décembre 2011
- 9782296556911
Au sommaire de ce numéro : Bowley's law : The diffusion of an empirical supposition into economic theory / From Austrian economics to the Swedish welfare state : Wicksellian views on money and income distribution / Income distribution and the trade cycle in the "years of high theory" / Kaldor et la théorie keynésienne de la répartition / Education, growth and distribution : Classical-Marxian economic thought and a simple model / Public expenditure composition and growth : a neo-Kaleckian analysis.
Dimension externes du droit et de la politique d'immigration et d'asile de l'UE
- Bruylant
- 14 Décembre 2011
- 9782802730897
This volume presents a collection of perspectives on the asylum and migration issues that an evolving EU would face after ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, written by expert academics and practitioners.
New frontiers of antitrust (édition 2011)
- Bruylant
- Competition Law ; Droit De La Concurrence
- 15 Mai 2012
- 9782802735922
Key note paper from Commissionner Joaquin Almunia on Antitrust enforcement in the EU in 2011, the papers adress four issues : Patent ambush in the US and the EU: How Ovide is the gap ? Quantifying damages in civil proceedings: Can economists and should competition authorities help ? Consumers associations in competition proceedings: Why so little engagement ? procedural fairness: How much remains to be done ?
Culture, les raisons d'espérer ; actes du forum d'Avignon : culture, économie, médias (15-17 novembre 2012)
- Gallimard
- Hors Serie Connaissance
- 12 Septembre 2013
- 9782070142415
La culture, solution pour la crise ? Utopique, à l'heure des enjeux de compétitivité et de mondialisation ? C'est oublier que de l'atelier, de la table à dessin ou d'écriture sont issues les formes et les innovations qui ont changé le monde économique d'aujourd'hui. Les 450 participants du Forum d'Avignon 2012 venus de plus de 40 pays différents ont partagé leurs raisons d'espérer dans la culture. Au-delà de son impact économique réel, avec 6,1 % du PIB au niveau mondial pour un chiffre d'affaires de 2 700 milliards de dollars, 4 % du PIB de l'Union européenne et 8 millions d'emplois directs, la culture met en résonance le rôle de l'imagination, la créativité dans la cohésion sociale, et la transmission d'un patrimoine culturel dans une période de perception d'accélération du temps. De nouvelles voies de réflexion s'ouvrent sur la fabrique de la culture et les emplois de demain, en mettant en lumière des initiatives ou des pratiques culturelles fédératrices et des dynamiques territoriales exemplaires. Parmi les participants de l'édition 2012 qui prennent la parole : Aurélie Filippetti, ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, Paul Andreu, Julien Anfruns, Carlo d'Asaro Biondo, Elie Barnavi, Mircea Cantor, Renaud Capuçon, Rick Cotton, Axel Dauchez, Régis Debray, Kitsou Dubois, Amos Gitaï, Claudie Haigneré, Barbara Hendricks, Pierre Lescure, Richard-David Precht, Stéphane Richard, David Throsby, Zahia Ziouani...
This title showcases the unique talents of the artist at the Spanish Royal Academy in Spain, and their unique Pop-Up shop project. This superbly illustrated book documents an innovative project from the Spanish Royal Academy in Rome - the creation of a Pop-Up store. Each of the Academy's interns - including both emerging and established artists - was given free-reign to create their own brand and collection of products to exhibit and sell in the store. This volume showcases each project featured in the pop-up store, and provides a brief introduction to the artist, their works, and the inspiration behind them.
Universo Gramatical es una gramática de español concebida para estudiantes de cualquier nacionalidad que quieran trabajar de forma autónoma. Escrita en español, permite afrontar de manera completa y exhaustiva las nociones básicas de la gramática española, pudiendo ser utilizada igualmente como gramática de consulta o revisión para alumnos de nivel más avanzado. Dirigida también a profesores que quieran trabajar o repasar aspectos específicos de la gramática con sus estudiantes y/o trabajar con un ordenador o pizarra digital interactiva (PDI) proyectando las actividades interactivas del CD-AUDIO-ROM y de la ELEteca. Se trabajan los conceptos fundamentales de la gramática española. 78 fichas de trabajo con una exposición teórica clara y concisa y una batería de actividades variadas. Al final del libro se incluyen las claves de las actividades del manual.Ideal para estudiantes que quieran trabajar de forma autónoma. Incorpora material interactivo que el profesor puede llevar al aula.
How to end hunger in times of crises ; let's start now !
- L'Harmattan
- 12 Mai 2015
- 9782336307282
Il s'agit de la traduction en anglais de l'ouvrage Comment en finir avec la faim en temps de crises. Commençons dès maintenant ! de Ignacio Trueba et Andrew MacMillan, L'Harmattan, 2014. EXPO Milan 2015 is about Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. The United Nations presence at EXPO is anchored in the Zero Hunger Challenge, issued by UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. This book celebrates EXPO by trying to help people understand how hunger can be ended quickly and how the world can feed itself sustainably.
Leadership en action ; leadership in action
- L'Harmattan
- Raisonance
- 16 Juin 2015
- 9782343066691
Peu de sujets ont inspiré autant d'études, d'articles, de thèses et d'ouvrages que le leadership. Le propos de cet ouvrage, alliance authentique de la réflexion à l'action, de la pratique à l'analyse, est une réflexion exigeante et novatrice nourrie d'une vaste expérience du leadership au plus haut niveau et appuyée par une rigoureuse approche pluridisciplinaire. Car si l'on ne peut parler de leadership sans l'avoir vécu, un véritable leader ne saurait faire l'économie de la réflexion : c'est cela, le leadership en action. (Articles en français et en anglais).
The key to managing stress at work : say no ! to stress at work
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Août 2015
- 9782806269362
Ready to take your career to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about managing stress at work with this practical guide.
Stress is a natural part of life, and we have all experienced it at some point. However, if you are unable to control it, it can lead to frustration, a feeling of being overwhelmed and even burnout. Fortunately, there are a number of simple steps you can take to reduce the effects stress has on you and turn it into a constructive force that drives you to perform at your best.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Find out what makes you stressed and eliminate the factors that trigger stress -Control how you react to stress and pressure at work -Analyse and understand your behaviour in stressful situations ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | COACHING The Coaching series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at all those who, at any stage in their careers, are looking to acquire personal or professional skills, adapt to new situations or simply re-evaluate their work-life balance. The concise and effective style of our guides enables you to gain an in-depth understanding of a broad range of concepts, combining theory, constructive examples and practical exercises to enhance your learning. -
Kaizen : strive for perfection
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270702
Understand Kaizen in no time! Find out everything you need to know about this innovative concept with this practical and accessible guide.
In an increasingly competitive business world, companies must strive to constantly do better by boosting their productivity, optimising the quality of their products and services and eliminating waste and inefficiency. Kaizen, which was developed by the Japanese engineer Taiichi Ohno, widely considered to be the father of the Toyota Production System, is a continuous improvement process which allows companies to achieve all these goals and more. With its rapid results, minimal expense and almost universal applicability, Kaizen could be the tool you need to take your business to the next level.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Understand what Kaizen is and why it works -Learn how to apply the key tools and methods in Kaizen -Master a range of related quality management approaches ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING The Management and Marketing series from the 50Minutes collection provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications will give you elements of theory, definitions of key terms and case studies in a clear and easily digestible format, making them the ideal starting point for readers looking to develop their skills and expertise. -
Joseph Stiglitz : economist and Nobel Prize winner
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270726
Economist and Nobel Prize winner This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the life and works of Joseph Stiglitz.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Recognize and understand the main ideas behind the contributions of Joseph Stiglitz and his New Keynesian approach - Identify the impact his work had on both economics and politics, and the new concepts and tools that he conceptualized - Understand the limits of his contributions and the criticisms held by other experts in his field, as well as the many extensions and related ideas that have been developed ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Economic Culture 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. They are the starting point for readers to develop their skills and expertise. -
Revue de droit Henri Capitant n.8/9 : le contrôle de constitutionnalité ; panorama du droit français en 2014 en France
- Lextenso
- Revue De Droit Henri Capitant
- 5 Juillet 2016
- 9782359711820
"The Henri Capitant Association of friends of French legal culture, which this year celebrates its 75 years in existence, has developed various actions which all aim at the developement of the methods and values of continental or civil legal culture.
The Association organises several Congresses. To start with, the International Meetings, which have taken place since the founding of the Association, have led to regular publications amounting presently to more than 60 volumes. These Meetings, which take place every year and concentrate on a topic related to different branches of law (private or public law, national and international law), bring together specialists of law from more than 30 countries from all over Europe, America, Africa and Asia. In recent years, the Henri Capitant Association has also organised International Sessions on a smaller scale where two or more groups exchange points of view on current issues.
The Henri Capitant Association has concentrated on French Civil Law Reform which was initiated at the beginning of the twenty first century. In the same way, the Association has actively participated in the european group in charge of the Common Frame of Reference in order to build a new contractual european law.
With the creation of the Revue de Droit Henri Capitant or Henri Capitant Law Review, the Association is embarking upon a new adventure. The undertaking is ambitious because this Review will be drafted in two languages - in French and in English - and will be the object of a dualpublication, in digital format and in hard copy. But it is up to the challenge, which seems vital to meet: ensuring a better knowledge of the law of civil law countries, of their legislation, of their jurisprudence and of their doctrines, by supporting their dissemination throughout the world. In order to succeed in this undertaking, it would not be possible, in fact, to disregard either the English language or the digital media, which have become means of communication that are unavoidable. And although it is true that translation carries a risk of betrayal, and particularly so with regards to legal subject-matter, it is nonetheless a risk well worth taking. After all, certain civil law jurisdictions, such as Québec, state their laws in several languages.
Each issue of the Review, which will be published every six months, will address either a single theme, selected for its interest from the standpoint of comparative law, or will offer a Yearbook of French law in various branches of law. The Review will bring together laws, judicial decisions and studies of yesteryear, as well as of today."
Ouvrage comportant principalement des articles en grec, quelques-uns en allemand et français.